Hey I’m Dave,

An audiobook producer with over 5 years experience in supporting independent authors to transform their written works into powerful audiobooks.

Unlock new audiences with an audiobook

Save time & stress

We provide an easy process that ensures your audiobooks are produced with care to best represent your book.

Reach a wider audience

We work with you to distribute your audiobook across over 20 major platforms and expand your reach.

Enhance your story

We will bring your stories to life with narration consultation, sound design, and mastering for immersive audio experiences.

From initial consultation to final distribution, we are here to support you.


We'll have a quick chat on Zoom to help you get set up, ensuring you're ready to record with the best quality.


You'll comfortably record your content from home, in just 2 hours per day, and when done, just upload it for us.


We will expertly edit and polish your recordings to meet the highest industry standards and platform requirements.


Your audiobook will be available on popular platforms for listeners to enjoy.

We have been proud to be part of the process of helping authors enhance their stories

“I did not have any idea how to go about producing an audiobook, but fortunately I found Dave. He made the entire process painless, and actually enjoyable. He is the ultimate professional - helpful, skilled, knowledgeable - and just a wonderful person to boot.”

Bronwyn Reid

“His attention to detail, gentle yet direct instructions on how to get the recording done, hands-on problem solving and deep knowledge of how to get the best from his authors helped us build a terrific product that led to a solid and lasting business partnership.”

Shawn Callahan

Tell us your story

We want to hear your story. If you're ready to learn more about audiobooks,
book in a free, no-obligation chat.